407-808-6171 givingdance@live.com

Wedding Dance

Aimee Elizabeth Allen

Lessons For the First Dance,

and a Lifetime of Romance

This is a once in a lifetime moment. Your first dance as husband and wife. Rumba to a traditional, Waltz to a spicy Salsa. The possibilities are truly endless. What are you waiting for?
Make your Wedding Day special with original wedding first dance instruction and choreography created just for you.


    “This is Your Time to Shine on the Dance Floor!”

    Things to Know for Your First Dance:

    • What kind of music will you have at your wedding?
    • Do you have a band or DJ?
    • Will they play your first song?
    • What is the size of the dance floor?
    • Will you have a mother-son, father-daughter, or any bridal party dances?
    • Does your dress or veil have any limitations? (Don’t worry we won’t tell the groom.

    Start Dancing Today!

    1 + 3 =


    Orlando, FL


    (407) 808-6171

    Instagram: @aimeeallendance 

    Facebook: @AimeeAllenDance

    Youtube: AimeeYouTube